69 Winter Hey Lane
Positioned on Mallard Drive, Horwich, this mews home offered in good decorative order throughout with lobby, lounge, kitchen diner, Orangery leading to lovely rear garden and patio. On the upper level there are three bedrooms and a three piece bathroom suite. The property also benefits form having double glazed windows and is gas centrally heated. The property is set within easy reach to local train station, the village centre of Horwich that offers a range of amenities and services from supermarkets, traditional locally run businesses and shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and wine and cocktail bar. Middlebrook retail park, motor way access and regarded schools are also to hand. In conclusion this is an idela purchase for either first time buyers or those looking to up size and early viewing is essential to fully appreciate.
Door to lobby with stairs rise to upper level, door to lounge.
4.77m x 3.41m (15'8" x 11'2")Door from lobby to lounge with laminate flooring, power points, wall mounted radiator, feature fireplace, double glazed window to front elevation, door to kitchen diner.
2.70m x 4.39m (8'10" x 14'5")Access from the lounge to kitchen diner fitted with a range of wall and base units with contrasting work surfaces, space for cooker, plumbed for washing facilities, access to the Orangery, inset sink, window to rear, space for dining.
Access from the kitchen diner to Orangery with views over the rear gardens, fuel burner, solid roof with skylight, power points, tiled floor.
Stairs rise to upper level, doors lead to further accommodation, storage cupboard.
Three piece suite with panelled bath, low level W.C., vanity wash basin, tiled elevations, double glazed frosted window.
4.08m x 2.57m (13'5" x 8'5")Access off the landing to the main bedroom with a range of fitted units providing storage and hanging space, power points, double glazed window, wall mounted radiator.
3.39m x 2.57m (11'1" x 8'5")Second bedroom accessed off the landing with double glazed window, power points, wall mounted radiator, space for free standing or built in wardrobes.
2.22m x 1.72m (7'3" x 5'8")Situated towards the front elevation with double glazed window, power points, wall mounted radiator.
To the front a garden area with bushes to border and flagged path
To the rear stone flagged patio areas, gravel bedded sections, soil bedded areas with a variety of seasonal plants, flowers and foliage. Lawned area also and traditional fencing as perimeter border.
Although these particulars are thought to be materially correct their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.
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