Connect Centre, Kingston Crescent
A large and spacious top floor apartment created from this interesting older building and set within the semi rural area of North Boarhunt. The property covers the top of the building and in brief comprises:- Large lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, two double bedrooms (master en-suite) and a further main bathroom with ball and claw feet roll top bath. The property has two off road car parking spaces. To the rear of the building is a communal area where the property has an outside store shed.
LOCATION Situated within the semi rural area of North Boarhunt which is about two miles east of Wickham. There are many nearby country walks and bridleways including those through Wickham Common and the Hundred Acre woods. Wickham offers a range of comprehensive village shops and Fareham and the M27 can be found just over three miles south.
DIRECTIONS From our office turn right and continue through the square, bearing right at the end into Bridge Street. At the cross roads proceed straight across and on to the B2177 Southwick Road. After about two miles Borland House will be seen on the right hand side.
AGENTSNOTE The freehold is jointly owned by the owners of the six flats.
MAINTENANCE The current charge is approximately £170 per month which includes the cost of the waste drainage, buildings insurance and building maintenance.
Although these particulars are thought to be materially correct their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.
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